Top 25 Albums of 2019

My favorite albums of 2019 are here! As happened with the Top 100 Songs of 2019, there really wasn’t a clear cut winner for me. I almost wanted to give it to Vampire Weekend for being so damn consistent, but their album was too long with a few weak tracks that kept them out of the #1 ranking.

After some debate, I realized the album that I enjoyed the most was PUP’s Morbid Stuff. It’s one of those great rock albums, and PUP is such a fun and loud band that loves being loud. They’re the musical man child of Japandroids and New Found Glory. Their live shows must be nuts.

As for the remainder of albums, there’s a number of notables, including my favorite newcomer (for me), Rex Orange County, a singer/songwriter without a great voice or much notable traits that I can point to other than the fact that he sounds like his own. It’s not always about some amazing voice or guitar licks, sometimes it’s just being yourself that makes music so great.

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Monday Mixtape, Vol. 16

It is the week of San Francisco's music festival, Outside Lands, so I though it'd be appropriate to throw some of the songs I am MOST excited to see live. As the link above proves, there's a lot of acts coming through this weekend ranging all sorts of genres as this playlist would suggest. I also made an Outside Lands Playlist if you need a warmup playlist to get accompanied to all the great bands!

I imagine you could guess which act I am most excited to see: Tame Impala. This will be a very cool show because they haven't performed many times since their new album was released a few weeks ago. "The Less I Know the Better" is another great track from an album I'm loved and wrote about at length.

It will be interesting to see Kendrick Lamar. I saw him at Austin City Limits two years ago and was left underwhelmed. But two years is a long time for a young performer to hone his craft. If his performance from the BET Awards is any indication, he may put on a great show. "Fuck Your Ethnicity" is my favorite Kendrick track. Would LOVE to hear this.

For a couple years I have tried to see St. Paul and the Broken Bones because of their sound and reputation as a great live band. Even though they have an early slot on Sunday (1:40), I can't miss them! "I'm Torn Up" showcases their great tempos and the striking and powerful voice of Paul Janeway.

I've listened to Mumford & Sons new album a number of times now. I still can't really get behind it. All of the songs sounds pretty similar and are watered-down versions of Coldplay at their best (around A Rush of Blood to the Head). I mean "Believe" is the same song as "Fix You," though you could argue "Fix You" is just a rip off of U2... That being said, I still hold hope that they can put on a great festival show. They make drinking songs that people want to scream out at the top of their lungs, and I'm hoping they give the crowd what they want. 

D'Angelo is a genius recluse who hadn't made an album in something like 15 years, so it's damn important to see a guy like this when you have a change. 

My vote for best dance party is split between Hot Chip and Classixx. I'm hoping Classixx gets the crowd amped, and if "All You're Waiting For" is any indication, I'll be jumping around for the majority of the set. They have a fun, frenetic sound. 

ELTON JOHN. I have no idea what to expect. But someone who can slay the piano will win the hearts of many. Couple that with the fact that it's Elton John, I think it's safe to say that it will be a memorable way to close out the weekend!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 6

It's Memorial Day. Take a moment and remember someone you know that has served in the Armed Forces. I try to appreciate what I have (EVERYTHING, basically) and what so many of them gave (EVERYTHING, completely). In memory of those that gave theirs for you, thank and love the ones that are still here.


The past couple weeks have had some great new albums and singles from Hot Chip, Shamir, Surfer Blood, and Ducktails, to name some. This first track from Hot Chip is probably my favorite on their new album, their sixth, Why Makes Sense? Hot Chip is in that echelon of very well respected Electro-Pop artists because they've been doing this for a while, and they know how to throw a party. They're coming to Outside Lands this year in SF, and they'll be acting in place for Cut Copy (who put on one of my favorite shows of the year at OSL last year) as the band I will most likely dance to like my pants are on fire. 

Speaking of dance tracks, maybe you've heard about Shamir. What an interesting kid. He's 20 years old and from Las Vegas. He recorded his debut album in Brooklyn, and he's been getting a lot of love for his album around the interwebs. Well deserved, in my opinion, and this track, "On the Regular," is completely ridiculous and catchy (YES THAT'S A COWBELL).

One reason I love Twitter (people, I have like four followers, help a buddy out! @layersandsounds) is that you can actually connect to artists. Case in point: I just tweeted Matt Modanile, the guitarist from one of my favorite bands of the past many years, Real Estate, and the man behind the band Ducktails (probably my favorite solo project of any band member I can think of), that I loved his new song, "Headbanging in the Mirror," and I just wanted to thank him for providing me some joy. He then favorited my tweet. Who cares, you say? I DO! That's really freaking cool to get through to someone like that. It happens a lot more than you'd think ( ** TANGENTIAL ALERT ** About a year or two ago, Michael Rapaport - yes, THAT Michael Rapaport - and I started Direct Messaging because he was tweeting about whether Jay-Z or Nas was better, so I told him I'd make a Best Of playlist for each on Spotify (Best of Nas is on the blog btw!) and then he would tweet the playlists out to his followers (which is a lot of people!), and they would vote on the winner. He was totally down to do it, but he could never get the playlists to open, and I don't think he really trusted me to blast out a link he couldn't open. So that fell through but was a hilarious experience coming from the guy who directed an amazing documentary of one of my favorite bands of all time, A Tribe Called Quest. If you haven't seen that documentary - GET ON IT because it's really, really good, and then you can tell Michael he owes me one ** TANGENT OVER), and you can provide some love and support to people that may not always be getting it. So with all that being said, Ducktail's new album, St. Catherine, comes out July 24th. If you haven't listened to his last album, The Flower Lane, and you like Real Estate (and this song), I guarantee you will love this album. It's so chill yet keeps you engaged and wanting more the whole time. It was my fourth favorite album of 2013

Oh Surfer Blood. I've been a fan of these guys for years. They make consistently good indie rock with tinges of 90s alternative. I wasn't super impressed with the album the first go through, but it's one of those albums I have found myself listening to again and again and liking more. I don't know if I can settle on my favorite track, but "Other Desert Cities," is my choice at the moment.

The mixtape ends with a few more great rocks songs. The first track is from Hop Along, and it's their first track from their new album which has gotten some good buzz. Lead singer Frances Quinlan has a raspy and raw voice that really gives their songs some originality and passion. The drum beat that starts "The Knock" is great too. I have no idea who Adult Mom is, but their EP is six songs lasting a full 10 minutes! Clearly mom had better things to do. Finally, Eternal Summers is a band from Richmond, VA, so I gotta rep my home state!   

Happy Memorial Day.

Top 15 Albums of 2008

1. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
2. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
3. Friendly Fires - Friendly Fires
4. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
5. John Mayer - Where the Light Is (Live)
6. Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
7. Justice - Cross
8. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
9. Blind Pilot - 3 Rounds and a Sound
10. The Black Keys - Attack & Release
11. Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death to All His Friends
12. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
13. Kings of Leon - Only by the Night
14. Hot Chip - Made in the Dark
15. Deerhunter - Microcastle

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