Monday Mixtape, Vol. 186

All sorts of sounds for your ears today! Starting with one of the most original guitarists I grew up listening to constantly, a man whose signature riffs, tones, and creativity led album after album of brilliance by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Of course: John Frusciante. I just started digging into his solo stuff, and I can’t wait to dig more. “The Past Recedes” is a Dylan-esque song with Spanish guitar, harmonica, acoustic guitar, Frusciante’s vocals, harmonies, and no drums! It’s beautiful.

By the way, how awesome is Mdou Moctar? I haven’t even wanted to know one thing about these guys, I’ve just wanted to listen to what my (bad) linguistic ears think is a Middle Eastern language and sound mixed with rock, chants, up tempo and funky rhythms. What a song.

The Black Keys released a new album, and I’ve been digging it. The lead track on the album, “Crawling Kingsnake,” is full of low-key swagger, a rockin’ bluesy bluster.

J. Cole released a much awaited new album. I love J. Cole although I don’t love any one specific album of his, but there are many tracks from each album that I love, if that makes sense. This album might be one of my favorites, the only track I don’t like is the first, but the rest is Cole spewing fire in rapid clips.

Speaking of good rappers, I’ve been exploring Lute’s discography, and this guy is talented. He’s only got one album from 2017 amidst his come up, but he’s due for something awesome. Or not. You never really know with artists, sometimes they can put it all together into a cohesive piece of art, other times they can’t. Time will tell.

Finally, Porches (and yes, I know, my write-up is all out of order to the mixtape order, but WHATEVER MAN) is a band that I think sounds strange. Maybe catchy. But strange. Something about “I Miss That” sings to me, whether it’s a strange beckoning in the vocals or something else, I like that.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 136

Hello all. Hope the weekend treated you well. Come along with me on this summertime Monday and listen to some tunes!

I just started listening to Crumb, and “Cracking” was the first song I ever heard from them. It’s entrancing with an out of tune horn reverberating in the distance to a slow beat. A cool song.

Tycho is not for everyone, or it’s not for every time of the day. Chill is it’s game when you need to space out to distract yourself and get down to writing or doing spreadsheets. This is the kind of music I tune in to zone out.

So Two Door Cinema Club hasn’t ever topped their amazing debut album, but their fourth album is a good change of pace, a bit less formulaic then their second and third albums. “Satellite” is probably my favorite song on the album, and I’m constantly singing along to every “Oh" in the chorus.

After listening to the Black Keys new album a number of times, “Lo/Hi” is the best track on it.

Kevin Morby is a singer/songwriter who has had a number of albums, some stuff I like, other stuff I didn’t care for. I’m liking his new album, and I love the way “Oh My God” ends in the last minute or so, it’s a reversal of course of where the song seems to be going and a surprise ending.

PUP’s new album is one of my leaders for Album of the Year. I keep going back to it. Front to back, it is one non-stop kegger. I love it.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 22

Good morning, afternoon, and evening! There's some good music in store:

I stumbled upon Cousin Stizz recently. His debut album, Suffolk County, is chill rap at its rawest. Hailing from the Boston area, Stizz is one of those artists that sounds real, nothing contrived or forced. Rarely does he speed up his strolling delivery, but when he does, it's powerful (see: "Bonds" and "I Got It").

I spoke about Rome Fortune back in my 5 Faves of him, and at the time I hadn't heard anyone like him. But Stizz has similar beats and cadences. They're both in their own world, a galaxy of soma and sedatives. His vocals also remind me of Kid Cudi too (who should also be releasing an album sometime soon). If you like the spaced-out "No Bells" and "No Explanation," definitely check out this album. It's one of my favorite rap debuts this year.

Listen to the beginning of "Narrows." Does it remind you of another song? Or maybe a band? The guitar at 0:29 sounds exactly like the clean guitar sound on a number of their albums (in fact I would venture to say the guitars are the same make - Gibson - and possibly a similar model). Anything? The song: "Arizona," the band: Kings of Leon.

I can't stop listening to Widowpeak's album which "Narrows" is on. It's super chill and is paced really well without one bad track. Put it on in the background and enjoy. It's definitely made it's way into my Top 25 Albums this year.

I included AM & Shawn Lee on last week's Mixtape, but these guys write catchy electro-popish tracks, so I thought everyone would enjoy my other favorite track on their album.

Another pop quiz: Do you think "Sister of Pearl" by Baio sounds like any other band you know? If you guessed Vampire Weekend, then you are on your game. Or maybe you were even smarter and knew the name of Vampire Weekend's bassist was Chris Baio and put two and two together. (If you thought this was Scott Baio's band, you can see yourself out) Either way, I'm excited for Baio's album which is release THIS FRIDAY. 

"Disintegrate" by Painted Palms has a lot of influences. You got Cut Copy for sure. LCD Soundsystem, no question. Holy Ghost! as well. I'm actually surprised they're not on the DFA record label. I need to give their album another go round because the first time wasn't too impressive. However, this track keeps growing on me, so maybe the album will too. To be continued...

If you've been reading my stuff for a bit, you know I love the last song on albums (I already referenced "Arizona" on this post!), and Dan Auerbach's (of The Black Keys) The Arcs' last track, "Searching the Blue," is subtly sweet and a great closer for their album and this mixtape. If you haven't read up on my review of The Arcs' great album, please do!

Have a good week.

Top 15 Albums of 2008

1. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
2. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
3. Friendly Fires - Friendly Fires
4. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
5. John Mayer - Where the Light Is (Live)
6. Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
7. Justice - Cross
8. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
9. Blind Pilot - 3 Rounds and a Sound
10. The Black Keys - Attack & Release
11. Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death to All His Friends
12. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
13. Kings of Leon - Only by the Night
14. Hot Chip - Made in the Dark
15. Deerhunter - Microcastle

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