My Spotify Year 2021 Wrapped

I always love when Spotify provides some details on my listening patterns, habits and overall time spent just jamming out to music. While I will never top my 101,000 minutes of music in one year, I still enjoy these and wanted to share what I had, including:

  • 62,510 minutes listening to music!

  • 1,377 Artists listened to

  • 149 musical genres listened to

  • I’m in the 0.5% of listeners to Mac Miller this year

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 192

Kacey Musgraves shocked me with a newly released album on Thursday! Her last album, Golden Hour, was my #1 Album of 2018, and received all types of awards. It’s a classic, an album any artist would kill to have just one of.

After any classic album like this - I think of Tame Impala’s Currents or Arctic Monkey’s debut album - There’s a lot of expectation for the next album but also a bit of leeway because it’s very, very hard to recreate perfect again, and a band has to go in a totally different direction - think Radiohead’s Kid A - to make another classic. Usually, the album after a classic sounds like a B-Side to the classic: similar sounds, still great tracks, but not the same magic. Musgraves’ star-crossed is the latter.

It’s a very good and listenable album, nowhere near Golden Hour, and is more of a mellow, stoner’s ride through Musgraves’ divorce peppered with some sass and pop.

It’s a wistful goodbye to her marriage and ex-husband. Given the stage she has, she was reasonably kind to her ex (and who knows what all really happened, of course, you never get both sides). Though she makes her point that he couldn’t handle her fame and attention.

It wasn’t a revenge “Dear John” Taylor Swift-style attack, it was more of a retrospective and thoughtful, “So I think this is how we got here…” with a few punches thrown in here and there.

Her vocals carry everything. She has such a delicate and gorgeous voice, and it sounds like no one else. That’s her biggest magic trick to me, and as she keeps experimenting with sounds (and drugs!), it will be interesting to hear where she goes.

On another note, Isaiah Rashad dropped a new version of “H2BU” which trims the fat from the track on his new album. “H2BU” on his album is seven minutes and two songs in one, and the first song is amazing and not so much food the second song. So he created a version where it was just the first song, one of my favorite tracks on one of my favorite albums of the year.

Drake’s new album is pretty disappointing, but I have to listen to it more. There are still great tracks. I love how he comes right in and attacks “No Friends in the Industry.” Great rap track.

Now this song by Jack Harlow and The Homies, “White Lies,” was more of what I was hoping for with his recent album. This is just a feature he’s on, but it’s pure Harlow.

Disclosure released some tracks, and no surprise, the songs are awesome. These guys have quality control down.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 191

Happy Labor Day all and apologies for my weeks of absence. Fortunately, there’s been no lull in music! All sorts of new albums to dig into like Chvrches, Drake, Jungle, Kanye (27 tracks??? 1 hr 48 min?? Sigh.), and a bunch of others. I’ll get to Drake and Kanye next week.

Chvrches new album, Screen Violence, their fourth, is right up there with their phenomenal debut, The Bones of What You Believe. Lauren Mayberry knows how to sing a hook and her melodies are on point, exemplified by two tracks on this week’s mixtape.

Then we have Jungle. I don’t even know how to categorize this band, but they’re a great band to throw on for background music at a party. Upbeat, rhythmic, and all sorts of soul and beats to keep your head bopping.

Nas has a new track with Lauryn Hill on it?? A reminder amidst all her craziness (I remember seeing her years ago, she was an hour and a half late to her show - the opener went off at 8:30pm, she didn’t get on until 11:00pm! I can’t believe I waited, but yes, it was worth it, because she’s that much of a talent.) that she’s one of kind.

How serene and beautiful is “Sidney’s Lullaby” by Washed Out? It reminds me a bit of “Kid A” by Radiohead but more subdued and restrained. I’m always a sucker for songs like this (“Postcards from Far Away” by Coldplay also comes to mind).

Finally, Gorillaz released an EP with a few songs on it, and I was blown away by the first track featuring an unknown Jelani Blackman rapping and an awesome beat and production behind him. Another beautiful track.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 165

So much great stuff for you on this Monday! We start it off with Pink Sweat$, a chubby black guy who physically (and I guess a bit musically too!) reminds me of PM Dawn (who gets a nostalgic nod on this mixtape too) while musically reminding me of an amalgamation of Frank Ocean, Bruno Mars, and Khalid. And let’s also give respect where respect is due: he’s got the best album cover of 2020 on wrap:

Pink Sweat$

Another newcomer, Nick Grant, is one talented rapper. Loving “FEDS” and been listening to him a bunch recently. You’ll hear more of this guy.

As usual, Justin Vernon is in high demand. He was on a Taylor Swift track from her phenomenal new album, and he’s got an appearance on a song on The Japanese House’s recent LP.

For the David Byrne / Talking Heads fans out there: Whitney came out with a cover of “Strange Overtones,” and they put a tad of a spin on it while staying true to its roots, so I think it plays pretty well.

Speaking of Talking Heads’ covers, I recently got the 10th Anniversary vinyl edition of Local Natives "Gorilla Manor” (one of only 1,000 made!). Gorilla Manor is easily one of my favorite records of the past decade, and it always gives me nostalgic memories of where I living, what I was doing, who I was, and so much more. Albums that really bring you back to a time yet still resonate on listens today are truly special. And my goodness, does “Wide Eyes” sound amazing on vinyl! (Sorry, no Local Natives on today’s mixtape.)

Every track Arlo Parks has released in the past couple years, I’ve been totally digging. She always has good beats, and she reminds me a bit of Clairo (maybe it’s the voice?) but she’s got more rhythm. Check her out.

Finally, a favorite of mine, Sir Drake. I didn’t think the use of “baby” so often could actually turn into a catchy track. The video is also pretty funny as he’s just getting embarrassed by pro athletes on Nike’s campus (and yes, also a pretty huge marketing ploy though I don’t think Drake is on Nike but all the other people are).

Drake’s the best. I just love him. I love all the haters of Drake, and the people that don’t consider him a rapper, or think he’s weak or whatever, it’s comical to me because they get SO UPSET. It’s just like, dude, just go back to listening to Gucci Mane and leave me in peace. Not ironically, but this Drake track is all about all the dumbs rappers that talked shit to Drake and spoke of the huge life they lived, yet now they’re broke and fell off the map. The consistency of Drake’s quality is ridiculous. It’s still going. And I’m loving it.

That’s all, have a great week.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 110

This opening track from Rayland Baxter should uplift you from the dreary feeling of another Monday with the understanding that beauty can constantly be created and sound is one perfect avenue to see that. Gorgeous song, and a pretty darn good album too!

The Dead Tongues are somewhat of an acquired taste, and I'd recommend to give them a little time. Open up a bit and be more willing to like other stuff. This has twang and bluegrass and country, all things that I typically avoid, but not here. I love it. This song sounds like it could be played during a Braveheart montage as William Wallace trains his troops and grows as a man beside the babbling brook. What a cool song.

If you haven't noticed yet, this week's mixtape is pretty chill. It's this week's theme! Shallou, who I'd have to say is an Odesza wannabe, makes good Odesza wannabe songs. So just nod your head to the rhythm. 

Everyone has their own preconceived notions of Mac Miller, and I think they're usually either wrong or dated opinions that may have applied to him years and years ago. He gets flak because he's a white rapper who was somewhat goofy in his come up days, but that was actually just who he was.

He since then got famous, dated a pop star, and got (maybe still?) addicted to drugs which can CLEARLY be heard in the change in sound from his debut album Blue Slide Park to his groggy and spaced out (while still enjoyable and more artistic - ALTHOUGH his biggest issue as a rapper has always been his lyrics. They're usually either silly, stupid, both, or just plain. He's just not a good lyricist. Maybe he'll grow into it, but I doubt it. The only thing he can do is be honest and write from that perspective, which is what he's doing on his new stuff) Watching Movies with the Sound Off

All that being said, I've always followed him since his days of "Nikes on My Feet," a 90s throwback that I'm ALWAYS a sucker for (the Nas hook might help):

Song starts at 1:40. Yeah the rapping isn't the best, but it was my beginning to think he's got some places to go. Cut to his fifth album which was just released, Swimming, and he's come a long way and more serious, and sadly, more sad. "Buttons" was included as a single before the album release, and surprisingly, not on the album. I love the beat, and like most other rappers, he's singing now. Which sounds like a guy who can't sing sing, but if it's coming from some place sincere, it's a way of expression. I oddly like it, so we'll see if you agree. 

Ahh Drake. I've listened to his new album a ton. It's two sides, a rap side and his R&B/rap-ish side. I love the R&B side, and this song was a creeper. I listened to it many times, not paying it much attention, then all of a sudden I realized who catchy it was. I just can't hate on Drake, I love him. 

FINALLY, Diamond Thug - AND ACTUALLY I should first give a big shout out to my buddy Dave who put me on to a number of the artists on this mixtape since they were on his Best Albums of 2018 list. We are about as close as you can get to music dopplegangers, so shout out to Dave! - who really reminds me of Little Dragon with a bit more of the Odesza-like sounds. Really digging this album.

Ok, that's it. Enjoy!  

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 107

There has been some GREAT music I've been blasting the past couple weeks from some highly anticipated albums like Drake's Scorpion and Jim James' Uniform Distortion as well as some newer (at least to me) artists, Teyana Taylor, Mt. Joy, The Academic, and The Undercover Dream Lovers, AND a surprise couple songs from Childish Gambino. 

So let's first talk about Drake. He made a ridiculously long album. Again. Sigh. This time it's a "double album" where side A is rap and Side B is his R&B/Pop thang. There's nothing I hate more than double albums. The results are ALWAYS the same. If you took the best 12 songs from the total fattened and bloated 24 songs, you usually would get one hell of an album. Calling Red Hot Chili Peppers' Stadium Arcadium. How good would that album have been!??

SO ANYWAYS, Drake. He's a very easy target these days on social media and all the music blogospheres because it's pretty easy to make fun of him (he's a walking meme and the majority of his lyrics, particularly on this album), and he gets a ton of clicks for all the sites. Most people have been mainly hating on the album, which is somewhat fair, but I do think that Drake's albums  for one, are an acquired taste, and two, typically take me many listens to appreciate. This one is no different. I really enjoy Side B, and particularly the two tracks on this week's mixtape. "Peak" has a little sound on it that really reminded me of ***NERD GAMER ALERT*** a very specific sound effect from one of - IF NOT THE - greatest video games ever, Final Fantasy VII. Now maybe you'll just say, please stop, you're making too much of this, but GUESS WHAT? There is another song on the album called "FINAL FANTASY." Honestly, I have no idea if that's a coincidence, but I don't really believe in coincidences so it is not and they knew exactly what they were doing. Love it. Also, the hook on "Finesse" is just catchy and suave Drake at his best. So that ends, Drake.

I read a review recently that likened Jim James' new solo album to a My Morning Jacket album made 15 years ago. Pretty on point except certainly not the quality of MMJ at their peak. I know MMJ has an amazing following and is renowned as a phenomenal live band (I've seen them twice and also Jim James once), but I do believe they're underrated. These guys are one of the best five rock bands of the past 20 years. Who else is one there is up to you and yours, but THEY'RE THERE.

Listen to this Mt. Joy album more than once, it will grow on you. I thought they were a little too what's that band that chants and shouts all the time and is a bit folksy? Right, Of Monsters and Men, who I just never could get into. These guys reminded me of them a bit, but additional listens brought some nuance to their lyrics and musical talents. It's good stuff!

Teyana Taylor was the vixen from Kanye's very much watched by all men video, "Fade"

 Her album is pretty good, and I love this song. Hope you do too!

The Academic released an album that will be utterly forgettable in some years, but I utterly enjoy it now. They're like a mix of Two Door Cinema Club and New Found Glory. It's enjoyable and makes me feel good.

Finally, Childish Gambino continues his crazy run of brilliance with the summer jam, "Summertime Magic." Play this on repeat and you'll have a good week. 


Monday Mixtape, Vol. 93

Hope you enjoyed the Super Bowl last night. Quite a game. And I give commercial MVP to Tide, those were pretty great.

Got all sorts of genres for you this week. Drake released a track that broke Spotify's single day streaming record, Chvrches released their first single off their new album (which I like a lot!), Chromeo can do no wrong, Rapsody - who I first heard about because she was nominated Best Rap Album at the Grammys - with an old school-sounding hip-hop gem, Rhye with a release from his new album, and a couple other newer artists I've been digging. 

Anyways, happy Monday all, enjoy the week!