Monday Mixtape, Vol. 110

This opening track from Rayland Baxter should uplift you from the dreary feeling of another Monday with the understanding that beauty can constantly be created and sound is one perfect avenue to see that. Gorgeous song, and a pretty darn good album too!

The Dead Tongues are somewhat of an acquired taste, and I'd recommend to give them a little time. Open up a bit and be more willing to like other stuff. This has twang and bluegrass and country, all things that I typically avoid, but not here. I love it. This song sounds like it could be played during a Braveheart montage as William Wallace trains his troops and grows as a man beside the babbling brook. What a cool song.

If you haven't noticed yet, this week's mixtape is pretty chill. It's this week's theme! Shallou, who I'd have to say is an Odesza wannabe, makes good Odesza wannabe songs. So just nod your head to the rhythm. 

Everyone has their own preconceived notions of Mac Miller, and I think they're usually either wrong or dated opinions that may have applied to him years and years ago. He gets flak because he's a white rapper who was somewhat goofy in his come up days, but that was actually just who he was.

He since then got famous, dated a pop star, and got (maybe still?) addicted to drugs which can CLEARLY be heard in the change in sound from his debut album Blue Slide Park to his groggy and spaced out (while still enjoyable and more artistic - ALTHOUGH his biggest issue as a rapper has always been his lyrics. They're usually either silly, stupid, both, or just plain. He's just not a good lyricist. Maybe he'll grow into it, but I doubt it. The only thing he can do is be honest and write from that perspective, which is what he's doing on his new stuff) Watching Movies with the Sound Off

All that being said, I've always followed him since his days of "Nikes on My Feet," a 90s throwback that I'm ALWAYS a sucker for (the Nas hook might help):

Song starts at 1:40. Yeah the rapping isn't the best, but it was my beginning to think he's got some places to go. Cut to his fifth album which was just released, Swimming, and he's come a long way and more serious, and sadly, more sad. "Buttons" was included as a single before the album release, and surprisingly, not on the album. I love the beat, and like most other rappers, he's singing now. Which sounds like a guy who can't sing sing, but if it's coming from some place sincere, it's a way of expression. I oddly like it, so we'll see if you agree. 

Ahh Drake. I've listened to his new album a ton. It's two sides, a rap side and his R&B/rap-ish side. I love the R&B side, and this song was a creeper. I listened to it many times, not paying it much attention, then all of a sudden I realized who catchy it was. I just can't hate on Drake, I love him. 

FINALLY, Diamond Thug - AND ACTUALLY I should first give a big shout out to my buddy Dave who put me on to a number of the artists on this mixtape since they were on his Best Albums of 2018 list. We are about as close as you can get to music dopplegangers, so shout out to Dave! - who really reminds me of Little Dragon with a bit more of the Odesza-like sounds. Really digging this album.

Ok, that's it. Enjoy!