Monday Mixtape, Vol. 185

You’re getting transported on this week’s mixtape: Biking along the shores of the Pacific Ocean, whatever your friend gave you an hour earlier starts to kick in when the trippy track by the appropriately named Holydrug Couple rings through your eardrums, creating colors and sounds over the ocean like rainbows raining…Now as your mind and self are adequately disoriented, Wolf Alice wakes you, rocks your core as you stumble off your bike unbalanced, falling...Oidar’s track may sound a bit more clear and down the straight and narrow, but you gain consciousness in a maze of mirrors. The only way out is up, and the vocals lift you to the clouds…you’re weightless, sitting on pillows whiter than snow, as the sounds of an acoustic guitar envelop you, and an angel with a voice like Billie Eilish serenades you as you drift off to sleep…and dream something akin to a masterfully choreographed iPhone commercial with Madlib’s jazzy choral track as the conductor… your outfit changes to a faded light jean jacket and same-colored jeans, an 80s vibe and neon lights as Ryan Adams’ big head rises like the moon and sings to you...You’re back home, laying in bed. It’s bedtime. In another language, one last song speaks to you, and no translation is needed as you drift to sleep.

The magic of music compels our days.