Monday Mixtape, Vol. 29

Welp. I just wrote a ton and it got deleted because the page tried to reload. That sucks. Let's try this again. 

A number of solid albums have been released in the past few weeks that have reached into my Top 25 Albums of 2015. 

Borns has released one of the best Electro-Pop albums this year. He (yes, that's a dude singing!) tackles somberness like Beach House (as the guitar shows in "The Emotion") yet provides upbeat and lighthearted jams throughout (as his falsetto indicates on "Dopamine") that remind me a bit of Passion Pit and MGMT's first album. 

I first heard C. Duncan because he was nominated for the Mercury Prize - the award given to the best album of the year from the UK or Ireland. The prize ultimately went to Benjamin Clementine, a man with a mountain of a voice and a piano at his palms. But C. Duncan's album has intrigued me. I feel lost in a forest of folk, whistling tunes like he does in "For." The only guy I could think to compare him to is Bibio. 

I don't know how I found Sea Ghost, but they're unadorned rock by a singer with a voice no one would write home about, yet that sincerity is exactly why it works. The xylophone doesn't hurt either on "Cowboy Hat." 

Julia Holter vibrates in strings of instruments with an ethereal aura about her. She reminds me of Andrew Bird. Very cool album worth a listen! 

I wasn't overly impressed with Metric's album, but I thought this was a pretty powerful electro song.

The first half of Pure Bathing Culture's new album is really good but then it drops off a bit. If you like this track, check em out!   

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 25

This week's mixtape has got to start with Deerhunter. In anticipation of their new album released last Friday, I wrote them up in my 5 Faves a couple months ago. Their new album, Fading Frontiers, is fantastic.

I think it's their second best album behind Halcyon Digest, and the two tracks on this mixtape represent what is probably my two favorite tracks on the album. How good is the chorus in "Breaker" and the echoing interstellar keys in "Duplex Planet"? 

The second the drums come in on "Get To You," you have to be thinking one band: The Pixies. A band that is easily one of the most influential bands since the 1980s. Love the pace and guitar of this track.

I also wrote a 5 Faves on The Underachievers months and months ago. These two play off each other very well and choose psychedelia over whatever "hot" rap sound is taking over radio at the moment. I've followed these guys for a while now, and they just released a new album which I've been enjoying but still need to dissect further.

Julia Holter is a 30 year-old singer/songwriter who floats over orchestras and strings. She has a great voice, and I can't stop listening to "Feel You." She reminds me of Andrew Bird.

"Cuz I got a really big team, and they need some really big rings!"  

Kacy Hill. Check her out.