Monday Mixtape, Vol. 161

Party peoples, put on some headphones and enjoy an eclectic mix of R&B, pop, electro-pop, rock, rap, soul, rhythm, and flow! This mixtape has everything, so I hope you like at least a few of the songs.

And if you don’t, I hope that one of the things my Monday Mixtapes bring is music that you don’t like at first. Have you ever noticed that some of the most impactful music for you is not kind to the ears the first time you hear it?? It’s too new, you’re not use to the sound, and therefore, you don’t like it. But that’s just a first impression! Please give everything a chance.

So I hope you don’t just listen to this mixtape once. Listen to it many times and see if anything grows on you. The first time I heard Radiohead, Kings of Leon, Kanye West, and so many more, I didn’t like it. Time and patience made me realize.

Anyways, that’s my soapbox. I’ll see myself down and out.

RIP to Pop Smoke.