Monday Mixtape, Vol. 40

There are certain weeks that produce such high quality music, I’m just happy to be able to curate it into a short mix. This is one of those weeks, and I don’t even have any tracks from Kendrick’s new album (those to come next week). 

Everything Everything is a band that kind of defies definition. Their lead singer has quirky cadences and a laughably high tenor yet that is the reason their music sounds so unique. I’ve been listening to their new album a lot, and their first track is a great intro to these guys. 

“It Hurts Until It Doesn’t” is my favorite track from Mothers’ great new album, When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired. Check out the album if you dig the song. 

Day Wave has the chilled out Real Estate vibe with a bit more fuzz and fade, but I can always put him on in the background. Foxing is a band I just heard about and this track is the first thing I heard from them. Needless to say, I will be checking out their recent album from late 2015.

I’ve been listening to the folksy Lily & Madeline since their great debut in 2013. They haven’t changed their sound too much, but “For the Weak” is a bit edgier (is that a guitar solo??) than their prior stuff. 

Finally, we come to Ray. This is the first track of his new album and it’s eight minutes long! Ray’s made some six minute songs, but this is the longest song he’s written that I know of and it’s a beauty.   I love the sustain on the piano and the haunting feeling of the entire track. The song reminds me a bit of Shadowlands by Ryan Adams, a sparse yet soulful song.