Monday Mixtape, Vol. 9

The Weeknd has always had an original voice and a unique sound, so I was thrown for a bit of a loop that his vocals sound so much like Michael Jackson on "I Can't Feel My Face." It's apparent with each note that he's in a range or tone he hasn't hit before, but I imagine this one could be a big hit. Definitely deserves the first track on the mixtape!

I couldn't really get into Unknown Mortal Orchestra's new album, but this song has all these different elements, from the weird Wild West-sounding start, to the funky rhythm, to Ruban Nielson's delicate vocals.  

Hopefully you remember "Polish Girl," and if not, please listen to this immediately:

(Side note: If you really like this track, check out my Stop, Drop, Electro-Pop, Vol. 1 playlist, which is a totally kick ass set of electro-pop jams which I made back in 2012 (so yeah, the tracks may be a bit old but they're still awesome). Does anything beat the start to "Shuffle???":

A playlist within a playlist?? So meta.)

Back to the story at hand, Neon Indian has been out of the spotlight for a bit (his last album was in 2011), but he's dropped his first single, "Annie," which many are hoping will lead to a new album!

Cheerleader, a band from Philly who just released their debut album, is in the pop rock genre similar to a band like Walk the Moon. These loud pop songs with distortion always seem to get me!

I stumbled upon Seoul somehow, and I placed the first and second track back to back because the first track slowly sets up a perfect transition into the second song, the catchy but sedate "The Line." Just listen to how well it flows! So cool. I have a thing for first tracks that intentionally bleed into the second, as I've spoken about with The Maccabees and Bombay Bicycle Club.

Florence Welch has a voice that commands respect. There aren't many making music with vocals like hers. She sounds like she's screaming from the top of a mountain for the world to hear while hitting notes mere mortals could barely even play on a piano. "What Kind of Man," is a Florence lashing out against a lover who she can't seem to leave, and she sounds pretty pissed about it. Can't wait to see her live at OSL!