5 Faves - Tame Impala

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you may have noticed that I'm a huge fanboy of Tame Impala, and more specifically, I have quite the man crush on the creator and brains behind all of Tame Impala's music, Kevin Parker.

Tame Impala's new album, Currents, will be released on July 17th. He's already released four tracks from the new album (two of which I have not listened to because I just want to hear the album in its entirety!), and the two tracks that I've listened to have set the expectations sky high for me. 

Kevin Parker just did an interview with critic Steven Hyden of Grantland, and Parker dropped a few interesting tidbits, including:

  • Michael Jackson is his favorite artist ever;
  • Parker and the band were pretty drunk at their Coachella set (which I got to see), and he says he started drinking right after the show "to wash away the sorrow" of what he thought was a poor performance. For the record, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as their ACL set or show at The Fox last year;
  • Currents was written entirely on tour and is the kind of album Parker thought "indie snobs would turn up their nose at." The truth is now Parker has hit that Messiah Complex where everything he does will be loved by critics because he's made so much flawless music, so when he shifts gears and goes a bit poppier, all is forgiven because he's a genius. We'll see what I think of the new album, I will definitely have a review!
  • "Let It Happen" is basically about evolving as a person and musician, from his introverted ways as a musician on his first two albums to what he describes as being more extroverted these days;
  • “Coachella is 90 percent people saying hello,” Parker says, “just people that work for, like, the style department of your record label. Hello, nice to meet you … That’s most of what Coachella is.” Haha.
  • He calls out Taylor Swift for letting Max Martin write all of her songs on 1989 - (I have no idea if that's true or not);
  • “I used to smoke weed and I don’t even smoke weed anymore,” he says, “because, it’s like, the world’s intense enough as it is.”

Without further ado, here are my five favorite tracks by them, starting with "Let It Happen," which I think is the best track he's written. The other four tracks are split evenly between Impala's first and second albums from 2010 and 2012, InnerSpeaker and Lonerism, respectively. LOVE the drums that come in on "Alter Ego," the piano on "Apocalypse Dreams," the synths on "Why Won't They Talk To Me," and the rock on "Lucidity." Swoon.

Can't wait for Currents!