Monday Mixtape, Vol. 3

If Joywave's "Tongues" doesn't at least wake you up from your Monday stupor, then I suggest downing at least four more 5 hour energies. But seriously, don't do that. 

Now that Joywave has enlivened you, may I provide the White Denim fans out there with a track from lead singer James Petralli's solo project? (If you don't know White Denim and are into slightly southern rock with a dash of jammyness (NO idea how to spell that but I am certain it's not a word - or is it jamminess? That actually looks better), listen to their album D). The piano that starts "Dani's Blues" sounds straight from a dueling piano bar.

Now that you've woken up, it's time to get a little weird. I have no idea how to describe "Rain or Shine" by Young Fathers. Is it, like, sort of rap? Is it, like, sort of not? Whatever it is, it's totally their own, and I respect the hell out of that. The start SHOULD make you start bopping your head. If not, time for another 5 Hour Energy. 

Love the guitar work on "Sequence," especially at the 2:18 mark as the guitarist rides (what my amateur ears hears) six chords up the fretboard then back down one. 

Anytime Alex Turner (one of my favorite songwriters, lyricists, and lead singer/guitarist to one of my favorite bands, Arctic Monkeys - while we're here, check out my Best Of for them!) is a guest on a track, I will listen. Mini Mansions is actually another solo project, this time from the bassist of Queens of the Stone Age. I'm putting two and two together here: Josh Homme, also of Queens of the Stone Age, produced Arctic Monkey's third album, Suck It and See, so I'm guessing Alex Turner had a favor to return? Or they're just good buds, who knows. 

I hate to say it, but the recent Death Cab for Cutie album just isn't very good and feels pretty uninspired, which is crazy because Ben Gibbard and Zooey Deschanel got divorced before this record was made. Doesn't heartbreak bleed creativity? Though I should also point out that guitarist Chris Walla left the band too. Sometimes when an integral guitarist (Red Hot Chili Peppers' John Frusciante is the best example I can think of off the top of my head) leaves, the band is never the same. That being said, I still think "Ingenue" is a classic Death Cab song. Hope you agree.