Monday Mixtape, Vol. 227

This week’s mixtape is a banger. Let’s start with my favorite new band of the year: The Belair Lip Bombs.

They hail from Australia and that’s about as far as I’ve gotten on biographical information. All I need is the rock.

“Look the Part” is their best song, and their whole debut album is mesmerizing, easily in my top albums of the year.

They have the tenacity and intensity of Bloc Party, spastic sounds like Talking Heads while also giving some David Byrne-esque vocal deliveries, and nods to Bombay Bicycle Club (who also released a new album, the lead track which is on this mixtape!).

The band also shared this playlist, a MUCH more official way to understand the band’s influences than my biased ear:

Next, we have Claire Rosinkranz, one of my favorite pop artists since BENEE and Olivia Rodrigo. Her debut album is so catchy, and nothing exemplifies this better than “Wes Anderson,” arguably the catchiest chorus I’ve heard all year.

Speaking of catchy choruses, Biig Piig (not arguably, but truly, the worst artist name of the year), who I heard on a track by Kojacque, rules the airwaves with “This Is What I Meant.”

Another great indie rock band I’ve recently discovered is Karen Took The Kids. “Witch Hazel” is their best song, looking forward for more.

If you like Bon Iver, you’re gonna like Ilsey.

That is all for this week’s mixtape, have a good week and godspeed.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 199

Getting back in the groove of things, there’s some hip-hop on this week’s mixtape that has been blasting through my ears.

We’ll start with the unknown Ahmad Anonimis, and the first track I heard from him, “Butterflies.” I’ve always been a sucker for songs built around a piano, and this is no exception. The beat definitely has that 90s era vibe, and he sounds a bit like a mix between JID and (the even more unknown) Nemo Achida. I highly recommend his 2021 album, clocking in at a palatable 30 minutes!

Then there’s Lute, a rapper I’ve been listening to since he was sporting verses on a bunch of Dreamville (J. Cole’s music label, including rappers Bas and Cozz) compilations. His new album, Gold Mouf, is one of my favorite rap albums this year, a melange of beats and influences, and flows.

More War on Drugs, please! I’ll absorb their album for the rest of the year, hearing new nuggets and trinkets along the way, appreciating the many layers this band inserts into their songs. Their albums usually only get better with time. Their last two albums, A Deeper Understanding and Lost In The Dream, are arguably two - if not at least one, take your personal pick - masterpieces, so I had no expectations that this album would exceed the past albums, and it has not, but it’s still fantastic.

I think the best song on the album, certainly the most catchy, is “I Don’t Live Here Anymore” with help from Lucius on the chorus. However, singer/songwriter, Adam Granduciel, is also a pro at the more subtle and subdued tracks, like “Occasional Rain.”

I included “Mimi” because I was taken by Ilsey’s vocals on the chorus. Gorgeous voice. Who is this chick?? She’s an unknown on Spotify with one song! Tell me more!