Monday Mixtape, Vol. 159

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s a good day for music.

Let’s start with the young lads from Dublin, Ireland, Fontaines D.C. I found about them through a random video I watched of their performance on Seattle’s famous radio station, KEXP.

They give off some DIIV vibes (certainly on the first track on the KEXP video for “The Lotts“), but there’s more to them than DIIV. They’re raw, and their debut album from last year spans all sorts sounds from ballad (“Roy’s Tune”) to party starter (“Boys in the Better Land”) to Irish diddy (“Dublin City Sky”).

Part of the performance was an interview, and it was interesting to hear them talk about their origins, which started with beers at pub discussing poetry. Fast forward to now, a band to watch, a sound I love.

Haim just released their third album. I enjoy it so far though there doesn’t seem to be a better song than the previously released (and bonus track) “Hallelujah.” I love the opener “Los Angeles,“ and I’ll be listening much more to see whether I get into it.

Twin Peaks is a band that started out years ago as a bunch of knuckleheads who sounded like they had just picked up their instruments as tools to drink more and get louder (that’s a compliment!), but they’ve really turned into a band that’s keeps improving and making better music. “What’s the Matter” is the most recent example.

I still don’t know what I think of Grimes’ new album. It’s good, and I don’t think I’ve given it the proper time, because if I did, I think I’d like it a lot more. I rediscovered “Delete Forever” as I listened to the album again recently, and there may be a few more to add in the coming weeks as I cycle through some more listens.

Finally, I have no idea who Israel Nash is, but he’s got some soul a la St. Paul and the Broken Bones and sound country feel a la Chris Stapleton while giving some Neil Young (who ALSO released a new album, which I hope to feature next week) vibes. That’s a pretty, pretty, good combo.

And that’s it people, enjoy your week!