Monday Mixtape, Vol. 207

It’s been a long time. Months. It’s felt like years. I’ve been through some crazy shit. It’s been a journey I will never forget, and I have the scars to prove it. But I made it, and I’m so happy to be back, writing, listening, and loving life.

There’s so much new music, new artists, new playlists, and more to share. I can’t wait to get back into it, refreshed and ready to rock.

Thanks for staying with me!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 118

Apologies for my absence, it’s been a hectic few weeks, including a trip to NYC and a new puppy! Her name is June. Anyhoo, I got some great music for you, starting with the one, and truly only, Colter Wall, a young man of just 23 years with a voice of syrupy bourbon and bass. WOW when you hear this guy. Definitely check his new album out.

There’s an indie supergroup named boygenius comprised of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridges, and Lucy Dacus, and their album has little tinges of all of their sounds while being led by Baker’s (her looooooooooooNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!! words that she’s known to sing can stretch for over 10 seconds and the scream just gathers steam as it goes (listen to “Stay Down” at 3:11 where “down” is clocked in at about 11 seconds), it’s an equivalent “wow factor” to rappers who can do a verse on one breath because they’ve mastered how to breathe into through their nose while rapping) vocals and craftsmanship. The two tracks I put on this week’s mixtape were my two faves.

I’m so happy with Young the Giant, they just released their fourth album, and it’s got to be their second best album (it’s going to be VERY hard to ever top their first album which was close to flawless and had JAM after JAM and my fave YTG song, “Islands"). There isn’t any letdown on this album, it’s paced well and has a distinct sound and numerous great songs. My favorite might be their last track on the album, “Mirror Master,” what a catchy tune.

Fleet Foxes technically just released “Icicle Tusk." As you might be able to hear, this sounds like early Fleet Foxes, and sure enough, it was made back in 2006, two years before they even released their debut album. Beauty of a song. Robin Pecknold’s voice is in my Top 5 right now.

Empress of’s sophomore album is MUCH more poppy than her debut, a somewhat disappointing surprise. That’s not to say these aren’t good songs, but I’m disappointed because her last album was so weird and unique, whereas this album (and the song on this week’s mixtape “When I’m With Him”) could have be sung by so many different pop vocalists.

Finally, The Belle Game is a band I discovered years ago because their debut album, "Ritual Tradition Habit, was this somewhat dreary, reverb-soaked, distorted sound with beautiful vocals. I’m listening to “Wait up for You” right now, and what a song!

Have a great week all!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 116

A great Monday for music all! I stumbled upon Brent Cobb from Rolling Stone, and I’m sold. He will give you some Chris Stapleton vibes probably just because this is the way country should sound, some twang and rock and not the recycled bland pop stuff that you hear on the radio. His second album released this year is awesome, check it out!

I spoke about Hippo Campus last week. I love this album. More songs this week.

A couple newbies in Roosevelt and Yumi Zouma to get your BPMs up. Whether you like the song or not, you gotta give it to the intro for “Take Me Back”, it’s a little LCD Soundsystem-like with a bit of Disclosure and some 80s feels maybe INXS with the keys. Cool jam!

Not sure if you ever listened to Empress Of’s debut album, but it was really out there, using samples and electronics cycling around her vocals to create this loud atmospheric chaos. It was a really unique album, one of those you hear and just say, “No one else could have thought of that.” ANYWAYS, her new track, teasing for her new album, is VERY different and leans way more towards pop. It’s kind of a love ballad. Will be interesting to see what the album is like.

Happy Monday all!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 23

This is a Mixtape of all sorts of sizes and flavors:

  • There's a rap track from Mac Miller's new album (which is really good and may be reviewed this week!). 
  • There's an electro-pop track from the remix kings RAC.
  • There's indie-pop from Family of the Year,
  • There's electronic wildness from Empress Of (an artist who wrote, recorded, produced, and mixed her entire debut album),
  • There's more abstract rap from Flight Facilities, K-OS, and Future.

Speaking of Future, I had to listen to his critically acclaimed DS2 a number of times before I began to appreciate it. I'm still hot and cold with him as his auto-tuned voice is hard to love, but I his sound is dark and eerie, something that sticks with you.

Speaking of Future, he and Drake just dropped a mixtape on the world which will be blowing up the interwebs this week - I'll listen and get back to ya!