Monday Mixtape, Vol. 120

We’re getting close to the end of the year, and per usual, I am super excited to make my Top 25 Albums of the Year and Top 100 Song of the Year lists. It’s a musical timestamp, and these playlists are not only a blast to curate, but I love looking back the many years (I’ve been doing these lists since 2012!).

ANYWAYS, this week’s mixtape has some new contenders to make the Top 100 list, and features one band I’ve really started digging recently, Maribou State. I saw that their 2018 album was on a list of Best of the Year (So Far), and the review mentioned their “masterpiece” of an album from 2015. so I started there. These guys are awesome and GREAT background music for studying, writing, etc. Their new album is pretty good too but definitely start with their 2015 release.

Speaking of great background music and new bands recently discovered, Bayonne released a new bouncy track from what I hope is on an upcoming album. Their 2017 Fallss was such a great album.

Oh, Robyn. Maybe the best pop artist out there. She released a new album, and my favorite track is the sultry lullaby, “Baby Forgive Me,” a track I have been playing on repeat.

A couple other tunes for you to discover and love on your own. Enjoy the week!