Monday Mixtape, Vol. 182

I really think this M.A.G.S. guy is going to be a big deal. There’s something to him. His track on this week’s mixtape is just a taste of his great stuff, so please dig in more.

Starting the mixtape off with some Creedence! What a song. That little riff is the reason music exists.

Morgan Wade, a country rock-ish / songwriter, released her debt album this year. Think she’s got big things ahead of her as well!

A couple oldies but goodies because I’ve been listening to them so much this past week: Post Malone and Hippo Campus. Post Malone really is a pop genius. And Hippo Campus is sneakily one of my favorite 5 bands to come out in the past five years, if not my favorite of new bands over that time. I just bought their entire discography on vinyl, and I can’t wait to absorb all the little nooks and crannies of notes and instruments that vinyl brings out (for example: I bought the 20 year anniversary OK Computer vinyl edition, an album I’ve listened to an unfathomable amount of times, yet the vinyl let me hear some instruments on a couple songs that I had never heard before!)

Enjoy the rest of the tunes and your week. Rock on.

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 131

So…everyone’s dead on Game of Thrones. Well, not everyone, but mostly. I suppose that’s what was to be expected. Just let Sansa rule with Arya as hand to the Queen, and we’ll all be happy.

This week’s mixtape starts off reeeeall chill, I can’t get enough of Billie Marten’s voice. One of a kind. It’z crazy to think she’s only 19, that’s a lot of talent!

I’m been constantly listening to the Vampire Weekend album, and it’s one of those albums that’s just too long. 18 tracks?? Really?? If they had cut the 6 weak-ish tracks out of the album, it would be a really, really, good album. It’s still good, and when it’s great (Unbearably White, Bambina, This Life, How Long?, 2021), it’s really great. It just can’t keep the momentum up.

Holy Ghost! continues to kick ass, and “Escape from Los Angeles” is a seven minute opus!

If you haven’t listened to TOKiMONSTA, she’s a pretty great producer of, usually, laid back jams. Good to just throw her stuff on when you’re looking to relax a bit yet be productive.

Have a good week all!

Monday Mixtape, Vol. 55

From the stunningly gorgeous cuts from Billie Marten (who AND I'M NOT TOTALLY GOING THERE JUST SAYIN') reminds of Jeff Buckley, particularly "As Long As") to the trippy tracks by the appropriately named Drugdealer and Post Animal to the breezy Whitney and then the Nirvana-esque Madeline Kenney, this is one kick ass mixtape for all you weirdos out there. 

Rock on and have a great week.