Subscription Service and Search Function!

Based on some feedback I've been getting, I've added two things to the site that I'm hoping will make it more user friendly!

1. Subscription Service - I've added a link up top to the main categories - "Subscribe" - Just click on that link and then enter your email address where prompted. This will sign you up to receive notifications whenever I make a post! 

2. Search Function - For now, the "Search" function is at the bottom of the homepage as well as the bottom of each post. You can go there and type in anything you remember reading, such as Top Songs, and you'll see all my posts relating to that. I don't particularly like having the search at the bottom, but to keep the site clean, that was one of my few options.

Thank you very much for the feedback! Anything I can do to make the site more user friendly, I am more than happy to do as long as it's feasible!