Playlist - The NeverEnding Story: Favorite Current Tracks

I stopped updating this playlist once I started this blog, but I stumbled upon it today and started listening to it again. There were so many great tracks I had forgotten about (like "Quiescent" by The Underachivers, so good!), and it was a great trip down memory lane. I need to keep this playlist going.

The idea of the playlist is pretty simple: I update it every few weeks with my favorite tracks, the cream of the crop! "But wait," you are undoubtedly asking, "don't you do that on Mondays?" No silly, the tracks on Mondays aren't my FAVORITES, they're tracks that I'm digging and think are unique, but many of them won't even make it onto my Top 100 Songs of the Year playlist (coming year end!). 

The tracks on NeverEnding will certainly make the Top Songs list assuming it's a song from this year. (Truth alert: every once in a while, I'll sneak in a song I just discovered that may have been released...a year or two ago!).

So all this jabber is to let you know that I'm continuing this playlist! It's a great barometer for me to look back and see what I was loving at that time and date. And these are damn good songs! My most recent additions are at the end of the playlist and works backwards to when I started it in August 2013.

So kick back and enjoy some tunes!