Playlist - Sunday Morning

I've written before that I really love listening to chill mixes. There are all sorts of different types of "chill" to me, some can be a bit more trippy or electronic, some where there's a ton of space in the songs that bare echoes and reflections to make the song so sparse that it's relaxing, others that have orchestras, strings, and horns that lull you sleep, and so many more. Whatever way we get there, the WHOLE point is to relax and feel calm. 

My Sunday Morning playlist is exactly what you'd imagine: It's a playlist I always listen to on Sunday Mornings as I'm brewing my cup of coffee, reading the NYTimes, and slowly starting a day off from the grind of work and all that stressful stuff. This mix is a bit more upbeat than my other chill mixes (to be published soon!) because it's not supposed to lull you to sleep or veg out, it's supposed to ease you into your day. There are SO many amazing tracks on here. I honestly LOVE every song on this mix, no joke. But Gary Clark Jr.'s live acoustic rendition of "Things Are Changin'" that starts things off should give you a good idea of the vibes I'm going for.

I'm hoping there are some tracks you've never heard, maybe U.S. Royalty's gorgeous ending track from their first album, or a little Andrew Bird for those uninitiated to his brilliance, or for the love of God PATRICK WATSON. If you don't like "Words in the Fire," we will have to part ways here. How about Rhye's voice in "The Fall," a perfect song to me. Ryan Adams undoubtedly made his way on here and Feist (one of my most beloved female singer/songwriters) will always be loved by me for her sultry voice and original tracks. And of course, I have to end with Wilco's classic and appropriately named, "One Sunday Morning." So much good stuff!

Happy Sundays from here on out!