Monday Mixtape, Vol. 229

I’m not sure where Washed Out (aka Ernest Greene) ranks in the pantheon of artists since 2000, but I have him in the Top 50, not as good as MGMT but in the same ballpark.

Washed Out has consistently released good albums for 15 years now, which is REALLY HARD TO DO. I’d give a similar compliment to MGMT although they’ve had more highs and lows. The highest compliment I can pay Washed Out is there is no one else out there who sounds like him because no one can perfect the rhythm and vibe of his chill shoegazey music.

AND GUESS WHAT? Washed Out just released a new album. I’m still digesting it, but I like it a lot, and while his sound generally stays in the same lane, there are enjoyable departures, like “The Hardest Part.”

I had to include my favorite Washed Out song, one of my favorite songs written in the past 15 years (maaaaybe Top 10??).