Monday Mixtape, Vol. 163

Happy Monday, and what a great mixtape I have for you today! There’s been a lot of new stuff that’s been released as well as discovered, so buckle up.

I was surfing YouTube, and you know how if you hover your cursor over a video, it will give you a bit of a preview? Well I came across this video from some band named Parcels:

My gut instinct said I had to click on this video because these guys were either going to REALLY suck or be awesome. Mr. Mustachio in the White Turtleneck?? This guy is either a total clown or the dude can get down. So which one is it? Take a listen and make your own decision.

I was amazed by how serious and how soulful these dudes were. Not only is their music soulful, but they all look like they’re totally locked in and making love to their own sound and melody. THESE GUYS LOVE THEIR MUSIC. And who can blame them??

I've been listening to this live album nonstop on Spotify, but I actually enjoy it much more on video because you really get a feel for how all these sounds are made as the director does a great job exhibiting all of the musicians playing their tools.

Also, Parcels’ transitions between songs is really cool to watch live. Since I had never heard them before, I wasn't totally sure when a new song started because their transitions are so smooth and seamless.

Parcels only has one album from 2018, and even if you listen to that album, which is super enjoyable, you can tell how far they’ve come as musicians in the past couple years. Very cool to see a band develop in talent like this.

These boys from Down Under are like a mix of Daft Punk, a dash of the Bee Gees (or maybe it’s just that blonde dude’s hair), a dash of the Doobie Brothers, maybe a little Phoenix, all updated to current times.

So guess who else dropped new albums? Taylor Swift and Logic. I really, really, disliked Taylor Swift’s last album. I thought it was a terrible, recycled sounding waste bin of pop music. Ouch. Just when I thought it couldn’t be worse, I was right because Swift released a truly phenomenal piece of music, folklore, easily one of the best albums I’ve heard this year.

Swift’s albums flows perfectly, draws on a sound, theme, and tone, and doesn’t waver too far, creating an incredibly cohesive piece of work from start to finish. I found it refreshing that the album’s songs took on all sorts of characters and stories instead of Swift’s well-worn personal travails. It was time for her to dig in elsewhere and find emotion.

There’s not one bad track and multiple standouts. My two favorites, at least as of today, are “the last great american dynasty,” “invisible string,” and “august.”

While “august” sounds like a somewhat typical pop song, I’m a sucker for any track where the singer just really wails out in emotion, hitting a high note you rarely hear her hit. Swift does it at around 2:00, “cuz you were miiiiIIIIINE TO LOSE!”

There’s something Sufjan Stevens about “invisible string” that I love, and I thought her best storytelling was on “the last great american dynasty.”

Now to Logic. He has claimed that he is retiring so he can be present during his son’s life. An incredibly admirable thing to do, and I hope him the best. I’ve always liked Logic, and he’s always been hated on as another “white rapper,” although he’s biracial (but you’d assume is white if you didn’t bother to research him).

He’s got technical talent, and I’ve always loved his beats and influences as well as one of those rappers who seems mostly to be real to himself and not pretend he’s something he’s not. Always respected that, and I wish he got more credit that he does. But this is a great album to go out on, possibly his best.

The album harkens back to the 90s - early 00s, particularly showing some love to Outkast, Tribe, MF Doom, Kanye, and even Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid! Once a gamer, always a gamer!

Oh, and I put Kyle on here. Great rap track.

Have a good week all, stay safe.