Monday Mixtape, Vol. 104

Apologies! I have been on hiatus for quite some time. I went on vacation, took an impromptu visit to DC to attend the Caps parade (!!) and am planning on moving shortly. ANYWAYS, I still have been listening to a ton of new music so I'd like to share some :)

I've listened to Lykke Li for years now, more as a bystander than an active listener. I have never loved her but always appreciate her music. I think she's an artist who veers into the pop world but has always been genuine and creative. The first track on her new album, "hard rain," has such a beautiful start to an album in pain from heartbreak:  

"If you like the feeling of a hard falling / I have a secret / I can give you an ocean"

 My favorite Natalie Prass has released her sophomore album, unfortunately one that just can't stand up to her phenomenal debut. My favorite song is likely the first track "Oh My" which gives me tinges of Rhythm Nation-era Janet Jackson with a little extra funk.

Arctic Monkeys took a HUGE departure in their sound from any other albums for their sixth. I absolutely love these guys (their first album and then their fifth AM are so so good) and respect anything they do because it's so damn different. If anything can explain their sound for this album, listen to this track on the mixtape. 

As always, any track with Frank Ocean will inevitably make it to the mixtape somehow! This, sadly, is the best track on A$AP Rocky's new album. I say sadly because it's pretty much all Frank Ocean. Wish the album was better.

Snail Mail has been getting a ton of love from the music critics for her new album Lush. If you like this track, I'd check it out. 

Speaking of albums getting love from critics, it may come as no surprise that Beach House is getting a ton of love for their new album, including being named the best album (so far!) of 2018 by Stereogum. So check it out! 

Alright, I'm out and will try to be better at posting. Adios!