Bands and Money - Pomplamoose

I've always been interested in the finances of bands, especially smaller indie bands, to learn how they get by and how much money comes in and out during their tours.  We probably all remember the New York Magazine article on Grizzly Bear which revealed that despite being one of the bigger and more critically adored indie bands around, some in the the band still didn't have health insurance.

A much smaller band, Pomplamoose, just wrote a blog post about their finances on their recent 28-day tour. The bottom line: $135,000 in total income (incl. $97k in their cut on ticket sales, $30k in merch, and an $8,750 sponsorship) and $148,000 in expenses ($26k in production like equipment, lights, van rental, etc., $18k in hotels and food for eight people, $12k in gas, airfare, parking, $48k in salary, $22k in manufacturing merch, advertising, supplies, and $16k in commissions to their book agency). 

Yes, Pomplamoose lost money. Yes, as I've read some say, they could have slept in their van and hired less roadies. But the main point (other than the fact that they seem to truly love what they do!) is Pomplamoose believed the tour to be an investment in their future for subsequent tours.  If they put on a great show (which the additional hands and expenditures helped create) then people would come back next time and tell their friends to come as well. If they put on a terrible show where the sound sucked and it was sloppy in general, well I most likely wouldn't be seeing them again. Obviously, the extra money spent is not the sole determinant of a good show, but I think the idea to invest in their band is one they hope will pay off in the end. Risk/reward!