A Quick Musical Journey

I'm first taken by its relaxed pace. Then Prass begins to sing. That melody. I've heard that before. But from where? I think and think and think. I listen to it again. Pause. Think. Listen again. That melody is on Drake's last album! So I'm scrounging through all the tracks when I remember, wait, it's on Kendrick Lamar's last album! I immediately cue up "Poetic Justice.”

So Prass did a cover of Janet Jackson's original which Kendrick Lamar sampled (and I'm guessing the title "Poetic Justice" is a sly shout-out to Janet since she was in a movie - with Tupac - with the same title.) What a beautiful circle of music. Thanks Janet!

Can you hear the same melody? I then chuckle when Drake starts rapping (half credit?). But then I'm intrigued as to whom is singing the melody on Lamar's track. Sure enough, it's a sample from a Janet Jackson song entitled, you guessed it, "Any time, Any Place:"

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