Singles - Lupe Fiasco - Mural

It's hard to believe that there will be a better song this year than Lupe Fiasco's "Mural," the second track on Lupe's new album, Tetsuo & Youth, released on January 20th.

It's a 1,600 word, 9 minute rap song that's propelled with a beat from The Buchanans who sampled the track Chanson D'un Jour D'hiver from the album Troupeau Bleu released in 1975 by a group called Cortex.

The most amazing thing about this song is the thought that Lupe could perform it live. Baffling with his wordplay and lyrical layers. 

"My rap position was black condition and activism / Ammunition for abolition, missions attacking systems / But they're not apt to listen / unless it's dropping on Activision / Are we apps or are we bodies filled with apparitions? / Operating applications, stuck inside an Apple prison / Chicken hack and download updates that lack religion / Or...are we more?"

And that's only about 4% of the lyrics from that track...